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Wednesday, 3 January 2018

Make Creative Infographics Design Part Of Your Content Strategy

Infographics have been around for years - in fact, some say the earliest examples were cave paintings from 30,000 BC! One thing we know for sure and that's infographics will be huge in 2018.

There's definitely a knack for doing creative infographics design well. It's not simply a case of throwing a few words and graphics together that's for sure. Done well, an infographic can boost your website traffic by 12%.

Balance and Style

So what makes the perfect infographic? To begin with, you need the right balance of words and graphics. And these need to be arranged in such a way as to lead the reader's eyes. Avoid a confusing layout and keep the overall look clean.

Creative Infographics Design

Remember that you are using the infographic to tell a story. A good infographic design company will first gather the facts and find suitable graphics to illustrate them. You might be sharing new information or presenting a fresh angle on an existing theory.

Whether To Go Controversial

Statistics tell us that users are more likely to 'like' and 'share' an infographic than any other content. However, that rather depends on the overall look and content of the infographic and whether it's controversial.

There's some debate over whether this is a good thing. The truth of the matter is a controversial infographic has more chance of going viral. Some organisations, especially charities, will use this approach to get their point across.

Market It

We've talked about keeping the design simple but you also need to keep it focused. Due to its style, it's very easy to overload your infographic with too many facts and figures. This will either make it too long or too confusing. Bear in mind that people have a short attention span!

Make sure your infographic is mobile-friendly and easy to access. And then market it. As with any content, nobody knows it's there unless you tell them.