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Tuesday, 1 November 2016

Website Design Services Lean Towards Interaction Design

One look at website design on the Sunshine Coast today confirms that mobile device usage is king and, if your website is not responsive, you're going to miss out on business. That's a very simplified explanation but the message is clear enough and, if you haven't yet made your website mobile-friendly, it's time you did.

That need for great responsiveness has seen a huge push towards interaction design. Once just a small part of web and graphic design, it is now a trend, and a skill, in itself. An interaction designer must be able to create every element of the website that a user will tap, type, swipe or click.

Interaction website Design

Engaging and Responsive

And that style of design is needed in order to make the website more engaging and responsive to the mobile device user, giving them everything they need, as quickly as possible. The Interaction Design Association describes the process as creating "meaningful relationships between people and the products and services they use, from computers to mobile devices to appliances and beyond".

Interaction website design services consider everything the use can do with their mouse, finger or stylus to interact with the device. They look at response rates, feedback, error messages and commands, to try and get more 'action' and better results out of every feature.

Changing the Future of Websites

You could describe the process as changing a website from a purely responsive creation, to a living, breathing entity that becomes an extension of the user's mind and finger. In the book, Human Computer Interaction, the usability of a website is broken down into three areas: Learnability - how easily can the user learn to navigate the interface; Flexibility: how many ways can they interact with the system, and Robustness: how are user errors supported?

Whilst to some this might sound like something out of a science fiction movie, it is where the website bus is going and, if you're not on it, your business is likely to suffer.

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